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because of God's mercy, i'm still alive.

Saturday 14 April 2012

that's what friend are for.

girl, i admit, sometimes i'm really angry for what you've done, for the irresponsible attitude and character, for always taking me for granted. but hey, that's what friend are for, enduring your nonsense, your attitude and character. in God's eye, everyone's perfect, everyone is beautiful. you don have to be confident in the outside, be confident in the inside. i used to put make up, but now, i hardly touched on it, and perhaps, i could have forgotten how to put make up. hand your burdens and worries to God.remember?  you have a almighty God . so just hand whatever you are worrying for to God, remember, give thanks for the things you have and not grumble at the things you don't have. everyone is not made perfect, everyone has flaws. but hey, everyone has it own strength. be proud that you are the child of God. and that God loves you, he are willing to give up his son for you, so what less could he not give you?! :) cheer up babe, be richly blessed tonight. God loves you and i loves you <3

Friday 13 April 2012

girl, don try to test my patient.

girl, you should be mature enough to live your own life without anyone worrying for you. don always expect me to clean up the mess for you. i too, have a limit of toleration. i'm tired of everything. hey, i mean, seriously, you took everything i did for granted. 'thanks' 'sorry' 'i will change' i never heard of any before. i don't mind you taking me for granted. but hey, don take your mother for granted. i tell you, continue to live your life now, the fun life you called, and you will end up in HELL when Jesus come back. NO.JOKE. girl, don take everything for granted. i do, have a limit of toleration! tired of cleaning the mess up for you.tired of all the bullshit and everything. LOOK AT THE MESS YOU HAVE CREATED. you're should change your attitude! stop the childish thinking. seriously. don always think that i will clear up the mess for you. everytime i promised myself, i lied to myself, i told myself, 'okay. this will be the last time i will help you, you will change and the distance between us won't drift again' but hey, i was dumb to think and do that. from the start of year, til now, you never once realised your mistake.the reason why i managed to go so far, is because, every time, i told myself 'YOU WILL CHANGE' , all this while i know, i'm lying to myself. all this while i know, you never once felt you are in wrong or never once wants to change. you really disappoint me. continue to live this way if you want, suffer eternally when Jesus comes back. i'm really tired of all the bullshit and the mess you have created. i'll wash my hands. and let you realize your mistake. taking someone for granted? bear the consequences yourself then .well, i guess all i could do is to stay by the side and watched how deep you've fallen.

Thursday 12 April 2012

nobody say life's easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember. make decisions, make mistakes. if you fall, at least you tried.
they speak my thought.

'life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so, love the people who treat you rights and forget the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance. take it; if it changes your life-let it. nobody said it would be early, they just promised it would be worth it.
have been very tiring recently. homework, project, class test, CCA, parent's high expectation. thank God tmr is friday. retarded people saying there's tsunami or earthquake today. but nothing happen. people had been trying to test and challenged God, but obviously they fail. just another clown trying to challenged the almighty God